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Using the BusySpR MRCOG Part II Course

Using the BusySpR MRCOG Part II Course Posted by Farrukh G.


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  • We have extensive lecture notes arranged in modules / topics, over 250 essays with answer plans (also arranged in topics), over 5170 T/F questions (in by topic) and over 800 EMQs.


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Posted by Sacha  H.

If we find a problem with an MCQ answer e.g A healthy 20 year old woman is found to have a complete molar pregnancy at 9 weeks gestation. She has a 14 weeks size uterus and vaginal bleeding is moderate.  Anti-D is not required if she is Rh -ve is answered as true when I think that it should be false (and in subsequent questions the answer is that Anti-D is required.).

Should we email this to the "contact us" bit or post it here?

Posted by Farrukh G.

You should use the forum and post the question in full.


The answer given on the website is correct and an explanation is provided:




• Suction evacuation recommended for molar pregnancy EXCEPT for partial moles when the size of fetal parts makes suction evacuation inappropriate. The same applies to twin pregnancies with one molar pregnancy. Otherwise medical evacuation should be avoided; risk of trophoblast emboli causing metastatic disease

• Anti-D immunoglobulin not required for complete molar pregnancies but should be administered in women with partial moles. As confirmation of histological diagnosis may not be available for several days, anti-D administration may be delayed within an appropriate time frame

• Persistent trophoblastic disease may develop after any pregnancy and all products from repeat evacuations should be submitted for histology

• If persistent vaginal bleeding develops after evacuation of a molar pregnancy, advice should be sought from the nearest screening centre before further surgical intervention is undertaken. Women should be monitored using HCG and ultrasound scan. There may be a role for repeat evacuation in selected cases


mcq bleeding in pregnancy Posted by MONA V.


Question: With respect to antepartum haemorrhage
Spotting should only be used to describe bleeding from the cervix
   True    False Your answer: False Correct answer: False
Minor haemorrhage refers to estimated blood loss less than 100 ml
   True    False Your answer: False Correct answer: False
Blood loss of 150 ml constitutes major haemorrhage
   True    False Your answer: False Correct answer: True
Blood loss of over 500 ml constitutes massive haemorrhage
   True    False Your answer: False Correct answer: True


dear paul sir/ farrukh

the answer to stem 4 is 1000 ml as per green top guideline .. can you clarify

mcq Posted by Mukta P.

kindly help me with this mcq-

the following symptom is correctly matched-

diplopia - avascular necrosis of the pituitary   - T/F ?

primary carcinoma of fallopian tube -

the largest number of reported cases occur in the sixth decade of life - true( my ans)

Posted by Reena G.


K Refer to molar pregnancy centre L Refer to other specialty


Options for Questions 2-2
A Counsel and offer evacuation of retained products of conception B Counsel and offer support group
C Counsel and offer laparoscopy & salpingectomy D Counsel and offer investigation for recurrent miscarriage
E Counsel and offer treatment with methotrexate F Counsel and offer laparotomy & salpingectomy
G Counsel and offer termination of pregnancy H Perform salpingectomy
I Proceed to laparotomy J Serial HCG assay
K Counsel and refer to early pregnancy assessment unit L Repeat trans-vaginal scan 7 days later
Instructions:For each patient described below choose the single most appropriate initial management option from the list. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
Question 3 A 25 year old woman had a transvaginal scan following IVF treatment during which 2 embryos were replaced and is found to have a 6 week singleton intra-uterine pregnancy with a 5cm cystic structure adjacent to the right ovary with internal echoes consistent with an ectopic pregnancy.  

in this question the correct answer should be offer TOP but here correct answer is offer counselling and evacuation of pdts,plz explain

MCQ query Posted by Reena G.
Question: The following are associated with an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy
Ovulation induction using clomephene citrate
  True   False Your answer: True Correct answer: True
Ovulation induction using gonadotrophins
  True   False Your answer: True Correct answer: True
Use of the progesterone only pill
  True   False Your answer: False Correct answer: True
  True   False Your answer: True Correct answer: True

According to FSRH, POP  does not increase the risk of EP.

posting new topic Posted by Radhika R.

how can I post a new topic? looks like we have to follow at the end of another post only.

EMQ regarding BMI 38 and UK MEC 4 Posted by razan A.

Options for Questions 4-4


Cerazette (desogestrel) progestogen-only pill


Noriday (norethisterone) progestogen-only pill


Norgeston (Levonorgestrel) Progestogen-only pill


Combined oral contraceptive pill


Depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate


Depo- Norethisterone oenanthate


Copper IUCD


Levonorgestrel IUS


Etonorgestrel implant


Male condom


Levonorgestrel post-coital contraception


All options may be used



Instructions:For each scenario described below, choose the contraceptive option that should not be used (UKMEC category 3 or 4) from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all.


Question 4

A 23 year old woman is referred for contraceptive advice. Her LMP was 1 week earlier with a regular 28 day cycle with normal menstrual loss. Her BMI is 38 kg/m2 and her BP is 125/84 mmHg.

Answer say COCP is contra indicated...????
Posted by Farrukh G.

You should read the question again and the on-line explanation.


UKMEC 3 or 4



COCP: UKMEC 3 – Risks outweigh benefits

  • BMI ≥ 35kg/m2
  • Age over 35 years and stopped smoking less than 1 year ago (over 1 year = UKMEC 2)
  • Age over 35 years and smoking less than 15 cigarettes per day


  • Multiple risk factors for cardiovascular disease
  • Adequately controlled hypertension
  • BP 140-159 / 90-94 mmHg (pregnancy induced hypertension = UKMEC 2)
  • VTE in first degree relative below the age of 45 years
  • (VTE in first degree relative over the age of 45 is UKMEC 2)
  • Immobility unrelated to surgery
anti D for medical management of miscarriage a.d ectopic pregnancy Posted by shah M.


nice guideline says it should not be offered in above situation ang rcog says it should be offered. so what to write in exam

anti D for medical management of miscarriage a.d ectopic pregnancy Posted by shah M.


nice guideline says it should not be offered in above situation ang rcog says it should be offered. so what to write in exam

fragile X syndrome Posted by radha S.

Dear Paul/Farrukh,

I have a confusion, your notes say that fragile X syndrome is X-linked recessive ,but TOG article,2011,july says it is X_linked dominant. Kindly explain .


model answer Posted by Sara Ibrahim Abdulla F.

Im having my free initial 2 days of the course .how can i get the model answers for EMQ & MCQS?

Posted by Farrukh G.


ragile X syndrome Posted by radha S.
Tue Oct 22, 2013 04:23 am

Dear Paul/Farrukh,

I have a confusion, your notes say that fragile X syndrome is X-linked recessive ,but TOG article,2011,july says it is X_linked dominant. Kindly explain .


Thanks - we have looked into this and TOG description is right. We have updated the notes. The current view that dominant / recessive does not fully describe X-linked conditions but Fragile X should be dominant rather than recessive.


qeries from obs surgical procedures Posted by geeta G.

Dear Paul/ Farrukh

Few queries :

1. In C section, antibiotic prophylaxis should be give before skin incision or after delievry of baby and cord clamping?

2. Indication for classical CS - transverse lie - true/false

3. vesico vaginal fistula - associated with

 - amenorrhoea

 - lowr limb weakness, foot drop and limb contractures

HOW ? please explain

4. Int iliac art ligation - arrests blood flow in the severed uterine artery - true/ false

Posted by geeta G.

Could you please ans my quwries in the previous post.

One more doubt - CO2 laser - typically used with a coaxial helium neon lasser - true/false

Can I clarify the dosage of Vitamin D in this question? Posted by Angeldust S.


A Folic acid 0.4mg daily until end of first trimester B Folic acid 5mg daily until end of first trimester
C Vitamin D 100 micrograms daily until end of first trimester D Vitamin D 100 micrograms daily
E Refer to consultant anaesthetist F Refer to consultant obstetrician
G Refer to specialist obesity in pregnancy clinic H Perform glucose tolerance test
I Advise against pregnancy J Perform blood pressure profile
K Perform renal and liver function test L 24h urine for protein excretion

Instructions:For each scenario described below, choose the single most appropriate management from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
Question 3 A 35 year old woman has been referred to the consultant antenatal clinic at 14 weeks gestation in her first pregnancy. Her BMI is 35 but there are no other risk factors. Her BP is 110/60 mmHg and there is no proteinuria.

Should the dose of Vitamin D be 10mcg instead of 100?

Posted by Farrukh G.
Instructions:For each scenario described below, choose the single most appropriate management from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
Question 3 A 35 year old woman has been referred to the consultant antenatal clinic at 14 weeks gestation in her first pregnancy. Her BMI is 35 but there are no other risk factors. Her BP is 110/60 mmHg and there is no proteinuria.

Should the dose of Vitamin D be 10mcg instead of 100?


Yes, one of the answers should read 10 mcg and we have corrected it. With the options as presented, I would have selected H as the correct answer as there is no gestation age specified.