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Plz can u explain emcq of this urogyne

Plz can u explain emcq of this urogyne Posted by Liza S.
Respected Dr Paul Sorry to disturb you ,plz can I know ,in these. emcq of urogyne the answer why given like this , I am sorry that previously I posted but it did not appear well so I am posting again . Liza Options for Questions 10-10 A Shelf pessery B Abdominal sacro-colpopexy C Sacro-spinous fixation D Anterior colporrhaphy with mesh from rectus sheath E Anterior colporrhaphy with absorbable synthetic mesh F Anterior colporrhaphy with combination of absorbable and non-absorbable mesh G Anterior colporrhaphy with non-absorbable Type I mesh H Anterior colporrhaphy with non-absorbable Type II mesh I Anterior colporrhaphy with non-absorbable Type III mesh J Anterior colporrhaphy with non-absorbable Type IV mesh K Colposuspension L Tension-free vaginal tape M Trans-obturator tape N Laparoscopic sacro-colpopexy Instructions:For each scenario described below, choose the single most appropriate management from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all. Explanation Question 10 A healthy 67 year old woman attends the gynaecology clinic with 6 months history of feeling a lump in the vagina but no other symptoms. She experienced similar symptoms 4 years earlier and was cured by anterior colporrhaphy. On examination, there is a stage 3 anterior vaginal wall prolapse with no evidence of stress urinary incontinence. Why the answer is G Why not L She already had anterior colporraphy ,again she has to have anterior colporraphy with type 1 mash Options for Questions 11-11 A Risk of bladder injury B Risk of bleeding C Risk of infection D Risk of venous thromboembolism E Risk of mesh migration F Risk of rectal injury G Risk of recurrent prolapse H Risk of posterior vaginal prolapse I Risk of urinary incontinence J Risk of urethral injury K Risk of ureteric injury L Risk of vaginal dryness Instructions:For each scenario described below, choose the single most important risk that should be discussed from the above list of options. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all. Explanation Question 11 A 45 year old woman with a 6 months history of a vaginal lump is found to have a stage III anterior vaginal prolapse. Her BMI is 37. She is due to undergo anterior vaginal wall repair using Type I mesh. We have to discuss most common risk here why mesh migration which a rare complication
Posted by Farrukh G.

Mesh migration is the risk that is likely to have greatest impact on the woman. You were not asked about the most common risk. The most common risk is not necessarily the most important.

urodynamics Posted by Hamdy H.

please can you advise on urodynamics where  can i find interpretations as there were more than one question in EMQS about this  i,e. low capicity bladder , neuropathic, interstial cystitis...etc as you know they give you results of urodynamics and i am required to tell what most likely diagnosis



urogynacoloy Posted by ghazala A.

dear  sir 

can u give us lecture notes  on urogynacology .the most imprtant  thing  which i need is  how  to interpret graphic  results .