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To Dr Paul

To Dr Paul Posted by adnan S.
Respected Dr paul
Thank you very much for guiding in writing essays .Sir please clear my doubts ,in questions like outline the principles of management means we have to write from examination ,investigations then treatment aspects.Second thing is in questions where one or two symptoms given like in questions of HRT &CPP we should not ask in history any other associated symptoms ,history should be around only those symptoms. with love
Posted by adnan S.
Thank you sir
Sir I have one more doubt in HRT .Sir when to use continues combined HRT/sequential combined HRT in woman with intact uterus . In the answer about HRT ,I wrote sequential combined HRT but in the answer plan you have given continues combined HRT .WITH REGARDS & LOVE
Posted by SWATI M.
Dear Dr.Adnan,
In the answer plan of HRT it says sequential HRT .

I have doubt in regards to HRT and cancer breast.What we have known is that HRT increases the risk after use of 5 years. The study group recommendations 2004 says current or recent use increases risk.
While counselling woman,shall we tell her that the risk increases after 5 years ? or should we say that it increases even by use for lesser period than this?