(1) In a woman with three previous second trimester miscarriages
b. Randomised trials have shown that the combination of aspirin and heparin is superior to aspirin alone in improving pregnancy outcome
True False H\'s answer: true Correct answer: false
d. If a septate uterus is identified, uterine surgery has been shown to improve pregnancy outcome
True False H\'s answer: true Correct answer: false
Is hysteroscopic surgery helpful?
(2) With regard to female sterilisation in the UK
c. Most deaths are due to anaesthetic complications
True False H\'s answer: true Correct answer: false
The explanation say that 39% deaths are due to anaesthetic complications.
Please specify what is the most common cause.
(3) With respect to gestational trophoblastic disease
3% of women with complete molar pregnancy develop choriocarcinoma
True False H\'s answer: false Correct answer: true
In the notes,
Complete mole has an incidence of persistent trophoblastic disease/tumour of 8% and patients with partial hydatidiform mole have an incidence of persistent disease/tumour of 0.5%. In patients following a full-term pregnancy, the risk is ~ 1 in 40 000 to 50 000.
About 2 to 3% of hydatidiform moles are complicated by the development of choriocarcinoma
so if the question says complete moles,the incidence should be 8%?